Tendring Families First recognises that where conflict between parents is frequent, intense and poorly resolved, it can harm children’s health, social and educational outcomes – regardless of whether parents are together or separated. Furthermore, the risk of conflict between parents is higher at crucial points in family life, such as loss of employment, becoming pregnant, having a baby, a child starting or changing school, or separation and divorce. Tendring Families First is therefore delighted to endorse the Parenting Together programme, which aims to provide parents in Essex with new evidence based interventions to resolve or manage conflict in ways that remove or limit the adverse impact it has on children. If you would like to apply for a place on this programme please speak to us or visit: https://tinyurl.com/2shvzbhx
Tendring Families First is an approved delivery partner for the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® (Triple P) which is a leading evidenced based programme, with more than 35 years of ongoing research, delivered in more than 25 countries. Evidence-based parenting programmes, such as Triple P, have been shown to reduce child problem behaviour and improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and parents. Triple P has been highlighted in NICE guidance for the treatment of conduct disorder in children under eleven, as the first-line treatment for ADHD in children under five and in treatment of children under 12 years with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges. Triple P is also recognised in a number of positive evaluations by the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF).
Triple P Online (0-12 years): Triple P Online is designed for parents to complete sessions in their own time on a computer, tablet or smartphone. It introduces users to Triple P’s 17 core parenting skills – simple strategies to encourage positive behaviour and to prevent and manage misbehaviour. The programme teaches parents to apply these principles to specific situations and includes strategies for partner support and coping with stress. Tendring Families First Family Workers can provide parents with personal login details to enable parents to complete the online programme in their own time. The video-enriched programme aims for a balance of simplicity and interactivity to promote parental engagement and completion of the programme. Each parent receives a certificate upon completion.
Key features of the programme:
Mentor introduces and summarises modules
Video clips of families in action
Interactive exercises
Individual goal setting, feedback and weekly check in
Downloadable worksheets and podcasts
Personalised and printable parent workbook
Review and reminder strategies (text messages, emails)
To find out more please email : [email protected] or speak to the Family Team.
Fear-Less Triple P Online – help them break free from anxiety. Some children and teenagers worry more than others. When they become extra-worried, anxious feelings can start to affect everyday life. They may often be upset and fearful, become withdrawn, or even feel ‘sick with worry’. But with the right support, they can gain confidence and break free from anxiety. When they get help to develop their own toolkit of coping skills, they can deal with difficult emotions in healthy ways. It will help them right now, and in the future!
Fear-Less Triple P Online helps you support your child’s or teenager’s coping skills: This FREE online programme shows you the practical steps you can take to help your child or teenager to feel calmer and more capable. When you know how, you can help them be more emotionally resilient, and teach them new skills. Watch them gain confidence as they learn to tackle fears and situations they’ve been avoiding.
You can help your child or teenager manage fear and anxiety: In this easy-to-use online course, you’ll learn what’s within your power to change. There are videos and interactive activities to help you: • Understand more about anxiety (and how to reduce it) • Know how to respond to your child when they’re anxious • Help your child develop skills to cope with challenging situations and solve problems • Teach them a range of strategies based on proven principles Fear-Less Triple P Online is your personal toolkit for parenting an anxious child. It’s full of ways you can support children’s emotional wellbeing. In fact, Fear-Less Triple P can help the whole family break free from the stress and anxiety cycle.
You can access this FREE Online course Independently, whereby you will receive your Log In to complete the course online in your own time.
To find out more please email : [email protected] or speak to the Family Team.