Tendring Families First Family Support Team can support requests to provide a range of professional training programmes to include:
Tendring Families First delivers the Smart Thinking Programme, which is a group intervention focused on developing interpersonal and social thinking skills. Understanding the link between our own feelings, thoughts and behaviour is important, so that good judgements can be made. This inclusive programme is particularly beneficial for an individual pupil with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.
Pupils who may particularly benefit from Smart Thinking include those who may:
be experiencing social and interpersonal difficulties with peers and/or adults;
have difficulties with anger management;
have low self-esteem;
have attendance difficulties/issues;
have attention/concentration difficulties;
have behaviour and/or emotional difficulties;
have had internal exclusions;
have been excluded from lunchtimes;
have had fixed-term exclusions;
have friendship difficulties.
For each SMART THINKING group or class there needs to be a minimum of six sessions to enable the pupils sufficient time to practise and refine this thinking process. The main focus of each session is to develop the principles behind successful interpersonal social thinking skills. Stop, Think, Choose, Do – these actions lie at the heart of this process.
If you would be interested in SMART THINKING please contact the Family Support Team.
PACS is an exciting 6 week early intervention programme that can be co-delivered by the Family Support Workers with identified school staff.
Who is PACS for? PACS is aimed at vulnerable pupils in years 5, 6, 7 and 8 and designed to help children develop positive assertive strategies for dealing with situations that will arise as they make the transition into senior school and during the first two years at their new school. Working in small groups of a maximum of 12, pupils are challenged to look at the impact their behaviour has on others and to look at alternative ways they could respond to difficult situations.
How does the programme work? The programme runs over a 6 week period. Weeks 1 and 4 are led by the PACS trainer with support from the school’s learning mentor. In weeks 2, 3 and 5 the school’s learning mentor meets with the group to reinforce the key messages from weeks 1 and 4. Week 6 is an evaluation session where the young people review what they have learnt and are given certificates of attendance. If you would be interested in PACS please contact the Family Support Team.
Tendring Families First Family Workers have devised a bespoke Discrimination Workshop based on Disney to explore types of discrimination which can be delivered to individual classes or whole year groups.
Workshop Content:
Ground Rules
Group Discussion on what is Discrimination & Prejudice
Group Exercise – Blue Eyes /Brown Eyes – discussion on how did this feel is it fair?
Disney Film Clip
Discussion on types of discrimination relating to the Disney Characters
Group Exercise – Discrimination Words and Phrases – Feedback
Group Exercise – Friendship Bingo
Group Exercise – Hand of Friendship
If you would be interested in the Discrimination Workshop please contact Liz Pickford
The Family Support Workers can deliver a 6 week developing the role of the Mid Day Assistant Behaviour Management Training, which can be individually tailored to each school’s needs. The training will look at:
Importance of Adult Behaviour in promoting good relationships
Developing Play with Children
What we Say & How we Say it
Developing Good Relationships
Respect, Praise, Encouragement & Rewards
Conflict, Coping with Confrontations, Mediating Conflict
Unwanted Behaviours
Solving Problems Together
Resources for Rewards and Visual Reminders
If you would be interested in the MDA Training please contact Liz Pickford
Playleaders are children who support other children on the playground to play games, resolve conflict peacefully, develop friendship skills.
Playleaders need to be:
good role models
In order to undertake their role well, they also need to be:
able to teach and play appropriate games
able to mediate and problem solve
trained and continuously supported by a named adult.
Aims of Play Leader Programme: Although the Playleader programme helps individual children to develop skills, it is also a whole school approach delivered over 6 sessions which aims to:
improve behaviour on the playground
provide a safe and supportive environment for all children to:
use and practice social skills
develop friendships
learn from peers and problem solve together
facilitate the learning of transferable skills through good peer role models
teach pupils appropriate playground games.
If you are interested in the Play leader Programme – please contact Liz Pickford
Tendring Families First Family Workers can provide training for LSA’s to enhance their knowledge and practise. Training takes place in school over a 3 week period.
The sessions cover:
Behaviour Management Strategies
Effective De-escalation Strategies,
Misdirected goals of behaviour
Levels of intervention
Supporting children with SEN, Sensory Processing Disorder, Learning Difficulties & Social and Emotional wellbeing
If you are interested in the LSA training for your school, please contact Liz Pickford
SEND Coffee Mornings are an informal opportunity, for parents of children with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities to access support. The SEN Coffee Mornings allow for parents to meet other parents and discuss any concerns they have about their child’s SEND, Behaviour & Emotional Wellbeing in an informal friendly atmosphere over a cuppa and a biscuit.
Coffee Mornings are usually held in school at the start of the day to fit in with drop off, and are facilitated by the Disability Family Worker, who can sign post to other agencies or complete a referral for support from Tendring Families First as appropriate. If you would be interested in having an SEN Coffee Morning established, please contact Liz Pickford.