Tendring Families First has received vital funding from Colchester Catalyst Charity to provide Psychotherapy for our children and young people with more severe, complex and persistent mental health difficulties and disorders. This project has been developed in response to the increasing numbers of children and young people presenting with more complex and enduring psychological difficulties. Tendring Families First children referred to the service will receive: Up to 12weeks support per child to include:
Baseline Mental Health Screening Assessment
Liaison with Parent/Carer to seek parent view child assessment ( if appropriate)
12 weeks of 1:1 Psychotherapy Sessions
Representation at TAF/Professionals Meetings (if appropriate)
Signposting/Referrals to Additional Support Services
End Point Evaluation & Recommendations
Children who would benefit from Psychotherapy include children with more severe mental health difficulties and disorders, who have tried CBT and Counselling with little or no improvement. Psychotherapy is more in depth that counselling and explores the past as well as the present. Psychotherapy looks at childhood root issues instead of just behavioural patterns.
Our current team of BACP Qualified Psychotherapist :
Completed Signed referrals should then be emailedVIA EGRESS SWITCH to; [email protected] Tendring Families First Schools can download a referral form to access Psychotherapy support click here:psychotherapy_referral_form__nov23_.docx
To access the Therapist Compliance Quality Assurance Document, with details of all DBS numbers, Professional Registration etc. Please Contact - [email protected]